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Saturday 11 May 2024



Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

12 May 2024

First Reading: Acts 1:1-11
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9
Second Reading: Eph 1:17-23
Gospel: Mk 16:15-20
By: Anabelle P. Balla
"As I closed my eyes in prayer, basking in His joy and overwhelming presence, my feet slowly left the ground, and with my hands stretched out to the sides, I float into the air, up towards the Father." These are thoughts that ofren come to my mind.

Is levitation truly possible when deeply immersed in God's presence? I can only dream of it at this point as we may never get to experience the ascension of Jesus nor the assumption of Mary. But I know that my spirit soars high, dancing in joy when my heart, mind and soul is fully attuned to God and in His blissful presence. I also believe that we can go to Heaven, in His grace and mercy with our life well-lived and spent to be of service to God and to one another. I pray that God will lift me up and will allow me to draw closer to Him, to call me to His side when my time on earth is done. And I pray the same thing for my loved ones, friends and colleagues.

I thank Jesus, our Savior, who ascended to heaven after conquering sin and death. He made it possible for us to be resurrected and be reunited with God, our Father. He, who until now, in this very moment, is helping all of us as we work on our individual missions as His disciples and friends.


Father, we want to be with You when our journey in life is over. With Your guidance and grace, help us to successfully complete the work that You want us to do so that like Jesus, we can return to You in glory. I also pray for all mothers. Please continue to give us the strength, the courage, and the determination to draw closer to You and bring others, specially, our children and other members of our families, in Your presence as often as possible, with love, patience, and inspiration. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there!


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