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Sunday 27 July 2008

If You Want It, Go For It!

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
27 July 2008

Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, let us acclaim God our salvation, alleluia.

First reading 1 Kings 3:5 - 12
At Gibeon the Lord appeared in a dream to Solomon during the night. God said, ‘Ask what you would like me to give you.’ Solomon replied, ‘O Lord my God, you have made your servant king in succession to David my father. But I am a very young man, unskilled in leadership. Your servant finds himself in the midst of this people of yours that you have chosen, a people so many its number cannot be counted or reckoned. Give your servant a heart to understand how to discern between good and evil, for who could govern this people of yours that is so great?’ It pleased the Lord that Solomon should have asked for this. ‘Since you have asked for this’ the Lord said ‘and not asked for long life for yourself or riches or the lives of your enemies, but have asked for a discerning judgement for yourself, here and now I do what you ask. I give you a heart wise and shrewd as none before you has had and none will have after you.

Psalm or canticle: Psalm 118

Second reading Romans 8:28 - 30
We know that by turning everything to their good, God co-operates with all those who love him, with all those he has called according to his purpose. They are the ones he chose specially long ago and intended to become true images of his Son, so that his Son might be the eldest of many brothers. He called those he intended for this; those he called he justified, and with those he justified he shared his glory.

Gospel Matthew 13:44 - 52
Jesus said, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which someone has found; he hides it again, goes off happy, sells everything he owns and buys the field.

‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls; when he finds one of great value he goes and sells everything he owns and buys it.

‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet cast into the sea that brings in a haul of all kinds. When it is full, the fishermen haul it ashore; then, sitting down, they collect the good ones in a basket and throw away those that are no use. This is how it will be at the end of time: the angels will appear and separate the wicked from the just to throw them into the blazing furnace where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.

‘Have you understood all this?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ And he said to them, ‘Well then, every scribe who becomes a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out from his storeroom things both new and old.’

By Anabelle Payod-Balla

Last June, I was assigned to facilitate one particular activity during our office's outreach program. To ensure active participation, I showed a selection of toys and told the children that anyone who will come up and participate will get to choose their prize. With that being said, I didn’t experience shortage of participants. Even the small ones and the most battered child in the audience had the courage to stand up in front of the crowd to show their skills in singing, dancing, or in reciting a poem. They didn’t mind people staring at their scars, at their deformities, at their inabilities. Their desire to get the prize they want made them do it! It was amazing!

Eternal life in heaven is one of the prizes that God is offering to us all. If asked, almost everyone would say they want to go to heaven and have eternal life but it seems only few of us really go out of our way in order to get it. I wonder why. Why are we not fueled enough to do everything we can in order to get these prizes? Is it because of how we understand and how much we believe in heaven and eternal life? What will it take for us to believe and to truly desire it? We all have the evidences written in the Bible and we have it deep inside us as well if we only, truly search for it. Maybe the problem is we desire other things (i.e. earthly things) more than we desire heaven and eternal life?

It’s our choice. The prizes are laid out openly. There are prizes that only last for awhile, prizes that are eternal and bring lasting joy, and prizes that can destroy one’s soul. What will you aim to get?


Father, we thank You for offering eternal life to us all . Please help us to truly desire for it and aim to always please You as we work hard for it. Amen.

Eternal life in heaven is the prize at stake. Let’s go for it!

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