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Monday 20 December 2010

No One Left Out

Nativity of our Lord
25 December 2010

Christ has been born for us: come, let us worship him.

First reading Isaiah 52:7-10
How beautiful on the mountains,
are the feet of one who brings good news,
who heralds peace, brings happiness,
proclaims salvation,
and tells Zion,
‘Your God is king!’

Listen! Your watchmen raise their voices,
they shout for joy together,
for they see the Lord face to face,
as he returns to Zion.

Break into shouts of joy together,
you ruins of Jerusalem;
for the Lord is consoling his people,
redeeming Jerusalem.

The Lord bares his holy arm
in the sight of all the nations,
and all the ends of the earth shall see
the salvation of our God.

Psalm or canticle: Psalm 97:1-6

Second reading Hebrews 1:1-6
At various times in the past and in various different ways, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets; but in our own time, the last days, he has spoken to us through his Son, the Son that he has appointed to inherit everything and through whom he made everything there is. He is the radiant light of God’s glory and the perfect copy of his nature, sustaining the universe by his powerful command; and now that he has destroyed the defilement of sin, he has gone to take his place in heaven at the right hand of divine Majesty. So he is now as far above the angels as the title which he has inherited is higher than their own name.

God has never said to any angel: You are my Son, today I have become your father; or: I will be a father to him and he a son to me. Again, when he brings the First-born into the world, he says: Let all the angels of God worship him.

Gospel John 1:1-18
In the beginning was the Word:
and the Word was with God
and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.
Through him all things came to be,
not one thing had its being but through him.
All that came to be had life in him
and that life was the light of men,
a light that shines in the dark,
a light that darkness could not overpower.

A man came, sent by God.
His name was John.
He came as a witness,
as a witness to speak for the light,
so that everyone might believe through him.
He was not the light,
only a witness to speak for the light.

The Word was the true light
that enlightens all men;
and he was coming into the world.
He was in the world
that had its being through him,
and the world did not know him.
He came to his own domain
and his own people did not accept him.
But to all who did accept him
he gave power to become children of God,
to all who believe in the name of him
who was born not out of human stock
or urge of the flesh
or will of man
but of God himself.
The Word was made flesh,
he lived among us,
and we saw his glory,
the glory that is his as the only Son of the Father,
full of grace and truth.

John appears as his witness. He proclaims:
‘This is the one of whom I said:
He who comes after me ranks before me
because he existed before me.’

Indeed, from his fulness we have, all of us, received –
yes, grace in return for grace,
since, though the Law was given through Moses,
grace and truth have come through Jesus Christ.
No one has ever seen God;
it is the only Son, who is nearest to the Father’s heart,
who has made him known.

By Pietro S. Albano

As kids, one of the things that we would normally look forward to is Christmas. In fact, a Class Christmas Party is always organized in schools in the Philippines on the last day before the Christmas break.

Our Kindergarten teachers in Angelicum School (now Angelicum College)would ask us to bring Christmas decors as well as assign us food/drinks to share in the party. There's also an exchange gift. And, we are not to wear our uniform on that day(Yes!).

The party has just begun when I arrived in school. However as I made my way to the classroom, I saw Raffy sat on the floor looking away from the party's venue. He was clad in school uniform. Raffy was my classmate. I entered the room asking why he was outside while everyone else were in having a good time. My question was slowly eaten up by the festive mood of the party.

I still don't know why Raffy was 'left out' in that Christmas party. Was he a non-Catholic or non-Christian? If he were, that won't be enough of an excuse for him to be sent away. Did he not bring any food or exchange gift to the party? What if perhaps something happened in his family which prevented him to bring these to the meal? Yet again, would failure to bring food or gifts be an excuse to be left out? Was his being in school uniform a valid ground not to join the celebration? I don't think so!

If I could just bring back the hands of time, I should have asked Raffy to come inside. I should have asked my teachers to let him in.

It has been a long time since this happened, but for a few years now that incident kept on coming back as I reflect on Christmas. The Gospel for Christmas Day mentioned that God's Word became like one of us AND lived among us! God wasn't happy just becoming man, but a man who is with and is for His fellowmen!If we read the four Gospels as well as the accounts written by some of Jesus' followers, we would see how our Savior welcomed everyone to His fold: sinners and saints, healthy and ill, rich and poor, Catholics and non-Catholics. Indeed, no one was left out!

As we commemorate His Birth, let our celebration be an occasion for us to welcome others: family and friends as well as those who are in need. Let this season be a moment too for us to reach out to those we may have crossed swords with in the past. As we receive the Light of Christ this blessed season, let us ensure that there are no more Raffys left out in the dark. Only then can we truly say "Happy Birthday, Jesus!"

Lord Jesus, I am humbled by Your humility of becoming like me on that first Christmas. At the same time, I am grateful for Your kindness, for Your willingness to be with us. It's Your Birthday again, Lord. How many times in the past have I been selective in sharing Your blessings with others. This time, strengthen me to imitate You. Let me not be satisfied with reaching out for a chosen few. By Your grace, may I do my share so no one is left out in the celebration of Your Birth until we finally realize the fulness of Your glory. Happy Birthday, dear Lord! Amen.

Next week on God-speak
A Season For The Family

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