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Sunday 22 September 2024

Very Important Servants


Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

22 September 2024

First Reading: Wis 2:12, 17-20
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 54:3-4, 5, 6 and  8
Second Reading: Jas 3:164:3
Gospel: Mk 9:30-37
By: Bernard C. Borja
Almost everyone in Metro Manila is familiar with a scene during rush hours where a convoy of vehicles goes through the heavy traffic with two or more police riding two-wheeled vehicles as escorts. You may have shaken your head at least once during the time when you saw something like this. It may have irritated you more if you found out that it was a government official being ushered so that he or she could get to where he or she is supposed to be faster than everyone else on that road. You may remember how during that time you were so anxious about getting late for work and wishing there could be a faster way, and you had no choice but to sit it out. A scene that when we witness it a lot of times, we become used to it and we just ignore it. Then it becomes our common definition of what it means to be a public servant.

What does it mean to be a leader? What does it mean to be trustworthy of authority? What does honorable mean? In our everyday lives, we can somehow define what being a public servant is by simply looking at and observing what they do.

Almost every day, we hear a lot about government officials who are corrupt and dishonest. There are people who justify a misuse of public funds, or even being dishonest about the purpose of the fund being asked. There are those who use government properties for their own desires and benefits. There are also those who run away during difficult times, especially when the people who they have promised to serve need help. We know how obvious these are and yet they remain “unbowed”. But most of us still support these so-called servants and even defend them. We even discuss who among them is the greatest.

The effect of this may not be obvious but we can say that there are times when we have really lost the sense of true service. In the church or in a community where almost everyone is a volunteer, people sometimes think that they are in a higher position than those who are not volunteering. There are times when I used my servant ID to pass the long line of people waiting outside because I am running late. There are servants who think they have permission to pass through security just to take a photo of a high-profile servant. Oftentimes, we miss the point on why we are called to serve and become our own version of “honorable” or “VIS - very important servant”.

Today’s Gospel reminds us of Jesus being our guide and model for us to know the true meaning of service – Obedience. This does not only mean being obedient to those who are above us. A disciple is not above his or her teacher, and yet the teacher can be a servant of the disciple. The core of obedience is being open. Our openness to God who calls us in ways that are unexpected. We become open when we die to our own desires and empty ourselves for the benefit of other people. We become open when we offer the gifts that God has given to us to those in need. Jesus, being our model, emptied Himself and put first what God asked of him to show us how a true servant should be. If we only pray like Jesus Himself, “Not our will, my Lord, but Yours be done.” Then we will truly know what it’s like to be the first and greatest in the Kingdom of God. 


Eternal Word, only begotten Son of God, 
Teach me true generosity. Teach me to serve You as You deserve. 
To give without counting the cost, to fight heedless of wounds, 
To labor without seeking rest, 
To sacrifice myself without thought of any reward 
Save the knowledge that I have done Your will. AMEN.

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