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Monday 24 January 2011

Joy In Sorrow

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
30 January 2011

We are God’s people, the sheep of his flock: come, let us worship him, alleluia.

First reading Zephaniah 2:3,3:12-13
Seek the Lord,
all you, the humble of the earth,
who obey his commands.
Seek integrity,
seek humility:
you may perhaps find shelter
on the day of the anger of the Lord.
In your midst I will leave
a humble and lowly people,
and those who are left in Israel will seek refuge in the name of the Lord.
They will do no wrong,
will tell no lies;
and the perjured tongue will no longer
be found in their mouths.
But they will be able to graze and rest
with no one to disturb them.

Psalm: Psalm 145:6-10

Second reading 1 Corinthians 1:26-31
Take yourselves for instance, brothers, at the time when you were called: how many of you were wise in the ordinary sense of the word, how many were influential people, or came from noble families? No, it was to shame the wise that God chose what is foolish by human reckoning, and to shame what is strong that he chose what is weak by human reckoning; those whom the world thinks common and contemptible are the ones that God has chosen – those who are nothing at all to show up those who are everything. The human race has nothing to boast about to God, but you, God has made members of Christ Jesus and by God’s doing he has become our wisdom, and our virtue, and our holiness, and our freedom. As scripture says: if anyone wants to boast, let him boast about the Lord.

Gospel Matthew 5:1-12
Seeing the crowds, Jesus went up the hill. There he sat down and was joined by his disciples. Then he began to speak. This is what he taught them:
‘How happy are the poor in spirit;
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Happy the gentle:
they shall have the earth for their heritage.
Happy those who mourn:
they shall be comforted.
Happy those who hunger and thirst for what is right:
they shall be satisfied.
Happy the merciful:
they shall have mercy shown them.
Happy the pure in heart:
they shall see God.
Happy the peacemakers:
they shall be called sons of God.
Happy those who are persecuted in the cause of right:
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Happy are you when people abuse you and persecute you
and speak all kinds of calumny against you on my account.
Rejoice and be glad,
for your reward will be great in heaven.’

By Anabelle P. Balla

Last New Year’s Eve, I received this text message from a relative, "Despite the many pains and challenges we faced in 2010, there were so much more blessings we received that we should be thankful for.”

Year 2010 is so far the most difficult and painful year of my life. This is the year when I lost my dearest mother, at a time when I was on the critical stage of my most difficult and life-threatening pregnancy. And yet, I remember feeling grateful to the Lord in most days last year. For even in the midst of sorrow, God gave me the grace to see His goodness and generosity. I may have lost my mother but He made it easy for all of us by not allowing her to become bedridden. He has also given us a new life, a healthy baby despite a very challenging pregnancy. He comforted me through the love and care that my husband, my children, my friends, and the rest of my family gave me. He made me feel more loved and cared for during those trying times.

The text message is correct and so as the Beatitudes that says, “Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted." In fact, I was more than comforted! He made me richer through those trials, richer in wisdom, strength, understanding, friends, and many more. Those trials made me stronger, wiser, closer to people I care for, and more grateful to God who continuously shower us with His endless abundant provisions every minute of our life. I witnessed that with pains and sufferings come many blessings when you seek the Lord. So my friends, if you will experience or are experiencing a low point in your life today, be assured that God is always there with you, ready to give you comfort as He does His works to mold and grow you into someone more beautiful.

Dear Jesus, thank You for providing peace in the midst of our trials and tribulations through the comforting words of beatitudes that You taught us. Help us to rejoice in the midst of sorrow with the knowledge that You, the Father and the Holy Spirit are there for us, helping us to come out of it as better persons. Amen.

Seek God in times of sorrow to experience an overwhelming joy of gratitude.

Next on God-speak

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