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Monday 31 January 2011


5th Sunday in Ordinary Time6 February 2011

Come, let us rejoice in the Lord: let us acclaim God our salvation, alleluia.

First reading Isaiah 58:7-10
Thus says the Lord:
Share your bread with the hungry,
and shelter the homeless poor,
clothe the man you see to be naked
and do not turn from your own kin.
Then will your light shine like the dawn
and your wound be quickly healed over.
Your integrity will go before you
and the glory of the Lord behind you.
Cry, and the Lord will answer;
call, and he will say, ‘I am here.’
If you do away with the yoke,
the clenched fist, the wicked word,
if you give your bread to the hungry,
and relief to the oppressed,
your light will rise in the darkness,
and your shadows become like noon.

Psalm: Psalm 111:4-9

Second reading 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

When I came to you, brothers, it was not with any show of oratory or philosophy, but simply to tell you what God had guaranteed. During my stay with you, the only knowledge I claimed to have was about Jesus, and only about him as the crucified Christ. Far from relying on any power of my own, I came among you in great ‘fear and trembling’ and in my speeches and the sermons that I gave, there were none of the arguments that belong to philosophy; only a demonstration of the power of the Spirit. And I did this so that your faith should not depend on human philosophy but on the power of God.

Gospel Matthew 5:13-16
Jesus said to his disciples, ‘You are the salt of the earth. But if salt becomes tasteless, what can make it salty again? It is good for nothing, and can only be thrown out to be trampled underfoot by men.
‘You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill-top cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp to put it under a tub; they put it on the lamp-stand where it shines for everyone in the house. In the same way your light must shine in the sight of men, so that, seeing your good works, they may give the praise to your Father in heaven.’

By Grace MadriƱan

I have an officemate who, let us say, tips high on the weighing scales. We are fond of teasing him because he always jumps around and horse play a bit. One time, we told him to stop playing around because it feels like a stampede whenever he is doing that. I think he got offended for he said “Ganyan kayo, nagsisimba pa naman kayo palagi.” (why are you like that, you are supposed to be regular church goers)

My friend and I just looked at each other and laughed. But his words actually hit me. I did not realize that I appear as someone upright. That my actions (or the words I say) would mean as much, to the point that my frequent attendance to mass will be even brought into question.

Had this happen 10 years ago, I would have think twice. I would probably go to mass alone, not inviting anyone. My fondness for reading spiritual magazines would be hidden and I would not dare share inspirational messages to colleagues. I would shy away from conversations about faith and spirituality. Back then, I was afraid to come out as ‘religious’, fearing that I am meticulously being watched as if people are waiting for me to commit mistakes.

But in today’s Gospel, it says “ … your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father”. Over the years, I learned I cannot be gripped by that kind of fear. Mistakes are inevitable for a work-in-progress christian like me, but it should not stop me from being the disciple that God intends me to be.

As children of light, and the moment we commit ourselves to be true disciples of Christ, it is but necessary for us to be tactful of our words and actions. But if ever we fail, like a usual christian will, we just need to go back to the Source of Light. And our light will be replenished.

Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Light of the world. Shine Your light to us that we may shine before others, proclaiming Your name in glory. Amen.

Next on God-speak Diversions

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