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Saturday 24 August 2024



Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

25 August 2024

First Reading: Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 34:2-3, 16-17, 18-19, 20-21
Second Reading: Eph 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32
Gospel: Jn 6:60-69
By: Theresa B. Manio
There may be times where we find ourselves lost in following God’s will, moments when we doubt God’s providential plan, times when we become so unfaithful to Him, moments we feel so alone and fail to recognize God’s presence in our life. The Gospel we have today is a promise of Christ's deeper commitment and faithfulness to us. Jesus has become one of us so that we become like Him.

Jesus is asking us, “Do you also want to leave?” Do you want to quit? Humans that we are, sometimes our faith is also challenged by the problems that we have. Some of us fall short of our personal needs, wants, biases and whims. We also have our defense mechanisms in place.

When we encounter people or situations which are different to our tastes and personal views, we tend to reject them outright without first trying to understand. Today’s Gospel invites us to remain faithful to the Eucharist even when we don’t fully understand the mystery of it. When we take it, Jesus lives in us, thus, we have to try to be like Jesus to the people who judge and hurt us, stay to be kind and respectful no matter our differences in views and ideas, and be with the people who need most of our help and assistance. 

Our regular attendance in the Mass and having a genuine quality time in worshiping, praying, and receiving Jesus' body and blood, really makes a difference in making our heart so strong like Christ’s, able to trust God, and live with the Holy Spirit. For when we allow the Holy Spirit to move within us, we will be drawn to our Father through Jesus. May we devote our full presence and attention each time we attend the Mass. 

Jesus has the words of eternal life. If we want to have eternal life, let us listen to Him wholeheartedly without any hesitation. Let us pray then that our Father in heaven grants us a welcoming and faithful heart and that Jesus may become the King in all aspects of our lives.
“Do you also wish to go away?” When Jesus asks us this question, may our answer be like Peter: “To whom shall we go?” May we remain steadfast in our faith and trust in the Lord. 


Heavenly Father, as I stand at this crossroads, I seek Your guidance and wisdom. Strengthen my faith and help me trust in Your plan. May Your light lead me, and Your presence give me peace. Grant me the courage to follow Your path, knowing that Your love and faithfulness will see me through.

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