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Saturday 31 August 2024

Pointless Obedience


Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

01 September 2024

First Reading: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 15:2-3, 3-4, 4-5
Second Reading: Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27
Gospel: Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
By: Bernard Borja
A well-off man organized an outreach event on a weekend with his friends to help the people in the slum area of the city. During the outreach, an elder woman asked the organizer why he is doing it. The man answered, “It is what our private association has been doing every year. We give donations to the poor because we have been blessed with more than we deserve.” The woman asks the man again about his own reason why he does it aside from the association’s yearly event. The man arrogantly answered, “Why do you question the one who is helping you? Can you just accept what we are giving? Maybe that is why you poor can never be successful in life. You always complain even if it is for your own good!”

A young lady is having her driving exam along with her friend. The instructor then asked a question to test her, “Two people are crossing the street. One is walking slow because he is old. The other is a young kid who is running ahead. What do you hit first?” The young lady smiled and winked at her friend to assure her of a correct answer. She then confidently said to the instructor, “Well, the old person already had a long life, but the kid still has a long life ahead. So, I would hit the old one.” The instructor and her friend could not believe what she said. When the instructor walked away shaking her head, her friend said, “That’s not and will never be the right answer! You should have answered ‘you hit the brakes!’ Why would you even think of hitting a person?” The young lady replied, “Shimenet (She may not) like the content of my answer, but I am answering.”

There are many times when we are too confident, and even proud, that we are not doing anything wrong. We oftentimes think that we are above others who do not follow rules. How many of us have been devoted to offering tithes and services in our community thinking that we are doing more than enough to help the ministries? How many of us feel proud joining an outreach for the poor on a Sunday, only to loathe the commuters who are waiting for a bus on a busy highway because they are blocking the driving lane where we are in? Are we even aware of how we “obey” the rules thinking that we are doing good, but forget how we should build our relationship with God?

Jesus rebuked the people who are so rooted in tradition but are not mindful of how God wants His people to obey His commandments in a loving way. We may eat a meal after carefully washing our hands, but if we waste food or even indulge more than we need to, we are missing the point of valuing food as grace. When we donate hard earned money to the church but despise the poor for not paying taxes, we fail to realize the true meaning of giving. Even if I go to mass every day, or receive the sacrament of reconciliation frequently, if I keep on looking down on people who does not follow rules or laws, this may hinder me in building a better relationship with God.

Everything that is good came from God. Saint Paul said that every perfect gift is from the Father, who planted the word of truth in us. He wants to be doers of the word, not just hearers. This is where we need to be aware of our freedom to choose what is good and loving. Jesus said, “Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile.” We are all created by God to be good and loving. It is what we do that makes us good or not. If I see injustice in our society but not speak against it, I am choosing to be unjust and letting the goodness that God planted on me decrease. As we become aware of the good nature within us, may we be reminded how Jesus leads us to have a better relationship with God, for us to understand more and obey His commandments in a loving way.


Loving Father, we come to You in our unclean state to ask for Your mercy and compassion. Grant us the grace of awareness of the good in us so that we may choose more of the loving way that Jesus taught us. Help us to find Jesus in every person that we meet and let them guide us in building a better relationship with ou. This we ask through Jesus Christ, our Lord, AMEN.

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