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Saturday 10 August 2024

The Bread of Life


Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

11 August 2024

First Reading: 1Kgs 19:4-8
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9
Second Reading: Eph 4:305:2
Gospel: Jn 6:41-51
By: Theresa B. Manio
Today’s Gospel is a reiteration of what God told us last Sunday. He once again gives more emphasis on the value of the bread and wine that we are partaking in the Holy Eucharist, more so, how that Bread alone and a profound relationship with Jesus nourishes our Spirit. Jesus begins by declaring, "I am the bread that came down from heaven." To the listeners of His time, this was a controversial statement. They murmured, questioning how He could claim such a divine origin, knowing His earthly parents. Yet, as the reading continues, Jesus challenges their understanding of spiritual reality versus physical reality.

The idea of Jesus as the "bread of life" resonates deeply with me. Bread is a basic, daily necessity—something we rely on for physical sustenance. Similarly, Jesus positions Himself as essential for our spiritual well-being. Just as we cannot live without bread, we cannot thrive spiritually without the sustenance He provides. This comparison makes me ponder my own spiritual hunger.

It is easy to believe in Jesus and His teaching when things are going well with my life. My spirits are high to worship and give thanks but when circumstances are odd and when at times everything seems going wrong, I oftentimes find myself asking where is God in all these. What is He trying to teach me? When and how will help come? It is hard to see the good when everything around is dark. In spite of these, I can feel that tiny spark inside me, telling me to endure and hold on, receive the Eucharist, read His promises in the Bible, attend the weekly worship session, and just let go. Cry if you need to, let go and let God handle it.

The passage also challenges me to reflect on the nature of faith and acceptance. Jesus says, "The one who feeds on this bread will live forever." This is a call to not just acknowledge Him but to fully embrace Him and His teachings. It's about an ongoing relationship where we continually draw from His life-giving presence. In practice, this means prioritizing time for prayer, reflection, and seeking to live according to His teachings. It’s a call to recognize that, like physical bread, the spiritual nourishment Jesus provides is something I must consistently return to. It’s about daily choices to align my life with His will and to rely on His grace.

As I think about these verses, I am reminded that the bread of life is not just a doctrine to be understood but a reality to be lived. It’s an invitation to a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Christ, a relationship that transforms not just my spiritual life but the way I approach every aspect of my existence.

Dear God, 
May we continually seek Jesus, the bread of life, to find our deepest satisfaction and purpose in His presence. We trust that Your profound love and provision is available to us especially when we come to You with open hearts, may we easily recognize Your work in our lives. May we be instruments of Your loving presence in the people we encounter in our daily lives. Amen.

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