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Saturday 3 August 2024

My Deeper Hunger


Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

04 August 2024

First Reading: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54
Second Reading: Eph 4:17, 20-24
Gospel: Jn 6:24-35
By: Theresa B. Manio
In the Gospel, Jesus invites us to look beyond our material needs and personal desires, prompting us to seek the spiritual nourishment that only He can provide. The crowd was focused on the miracle of the loaves and fishes, but Jesus taught them to something deeper and far greater: the bountiful providence that comes from trusting in Him. He wanted to give us something that will feed our hungry hearts and souls, not just our stomachs. 

I have read somewhere that we all have hearts that are hungry for something. In my Grade 12 class in Personal Development, I shared with my students that the class will mainly revolve around answering three fundamental questions: Who am I? Where do I fit? What am I here for? These questions of identity, belongingness, and purpose can also be thought of as our personal hunger. We can be hungry for acceptance, self-worth, words of affirmation, rest, hope, and many more.

As we grow, we will be in constant struggle to satisfy this hunger in ways that would give temporary or short-term relief, when will we say that I am already satisfied? We can be very efficient with our work, make ourselves busy in the Church, join every ministry there is, engage in activities that look “holy” from the outside but actually distracts us from filling the hunger inside.

I think the Gospel is trying to remind us that Jesus is the one who can really satisfy our deeper hunger. If we’re hungry for identity, Jesus gives us a new identity as children of God whom he loves and favors. If we’re hungry to belong, Jesus makes us feel that there will always be a community in the Church that will welcome us. If we’re hungry for purpose, Jesus calls us to be part of God’s mission by being his follower who gives light to others and nurtures others' light. 

In my teenage years up until becoming a young professional, my deeper hunger is security. I was always anxious that people I care so much about would leave me, perhaps get tired of me, or would find someone else better than me. To keep them in my life, I was in constant struggle to please them, held them tight, and became a toxic person for myself. It’s like I'm poisoning my own self trying to be the best for other people. This life was really tiring. Not until I have recognized the presence of Jesus in my life. During my younger years, I only prayed to God and sometimes acknowledged the Holy Spirit , since I had a traumatic experience as a child, I thought Jesus abandoned me. He allowed bad things to happen. It took a long while of prayer, retreats, doing the sacraments, reading and understanding the Bible, being vulnerable to spiritual mentors that I get to feel and understand Jesus' presence in my sufferings and struggles. Since then, I never let go once more. I take care of my relationship with Him. When we have found this Bread for ourselves, we can share it to others who are hungry for the goodness of God in their lives too. 

I invite you to listen to God's promises, in His Gospels and sacraments,  bring our hunger to God in prayer and keep pursuing the goodness of God in Jesus, the Bread of Life. Let’s not settle for crumbs when we are offered a bountiful feast. 


Dear Lord,

In a world full of temporary solutions, give us the grace to seek for your presence in our lives. Cleanse our motivations that it is not just blessings we ask from you but nurturing a deeper and personal relationship with Jesus. May we allow you to be in our lives, to transform us, to purify our thoughts and actions so that we can answer your invitation to become bread ourselves, sharing ourselves with a hungry world. Amen.

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